Sunday, April 6, 2008

Run - Bike - Run

Did a quasi-duathlon today - albeit with a long break between the first run and the bike.

Met the "Hidden Lakes Runners & Walkers" - a Keller-based club - at the "Keller-Smithfield Actity Node" neighborhood park at 7:00 AM this morning. Ended up running a solid 7.28 miles in 1:04:51 along the Keller trails. Basically, it was this route but run starting from the eastern point with a loop around the Keller Sports Complex and a steep & long hill (see elevation chart below up Elaine Street. Even with a couple water breaks, my overall pace averaged 8:54/mi. That hill was really tough, I look forward to doing it again in the future as hill training for both running and cycling.

A few hours later, I met Don T and Jonathan G at the Fort Worth Trinity Trails. We did a brisk ride south to Benbrook Lake, biked the park roads after paying the $1 entry fee, and then returned to the starting point for a 42.54 mile round-trip (in 2:32:48 - 17.2 MPH average speed going out, 16.3 MPH coming back, 16.7 MPH overall).

Don wanted to ride at least 50 miles so we continued north on the trails for another 4.25 miles. We still kept a good pace for this second ride - 16.4 MPH - but I was definitely getting tired. When we returned to the parking lot, our grand total was 51.05 miles.

Don had planned all along to do a brick, so after reracking/locking up our bikes, we ran for 2 miles (again, on the trails). I stayed with Don for the first mile (when we turned around) but he poured it on for the return trip and he finished the 2 miles about 1.5 minutes quicker than me (16:28 vs. 17:57). In my defense, I DID run a little over 7 miles this morning. :-P

Great workout and nice weather (although it did get a little hot by the end) - this was exactly the type of workout I needed to get into better cycling and triathlon shape.

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