Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Another LA Fitness Brick

Similar to what I did last Thursday, but longer. A 1 hour spin class (instead of 45 minutes) and then 5 miles (instead of a 5K) of running. The cycling was pretty tough - my legs felt more sore today than yesterday (the Labor Day 15K catching up to me). The instructor motivated the class well but I had trouble pushing myself as hard as last week. Wimp!

After the spin class, I did some running on the treadmill. My goal was to do a 10K, but I didn't quite make it and settled for/stopped at 5 miles. I did the first 2 miles at 6 mph, the next 1.5 miles at 7.5 mph, the next 1.25 miles back down to 6 mph again and a "sprint" for the last .25 miles at 7.5 mph again. Which evens out to 9:13/mi or 6.11 mph

Naturally, the heart rates followed the pace: 150-155 bpm for 10-minute miles; 165-170 for the 8-minute miles.

I think I could have done the entire 10K if I would have stuck to a 10:00/mi pace. So that should be my target speed for the Texas Man Tri unless I get a burst of energy half-way into the run. Possible, but I'm not counting on it!

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