I'm thinking the overall good news was due to (1) adequate training for the event, (2) some stretching and muscle massage that afternoon, and (3) good post-race recovery nutrition. Regarding the latter, I (of course) partook of the free pizza at the race site, but the race also had a lot of Accelerade (which has the recommended 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein) available at the finish line and I drank at least 32 ounces of it. After I got home, I had some pasta with chicken and a protein shake (chocolate whey powder mixed with caffeine-free Diet Coke - not bad tasting and quite refreshing).
On Monday, I did a "light" swim of 2,000 yards. Note: I have given up on doing the lap conversions into meters at LA Fitness - i.e., no more 11 laps for approximately 500 meters, it's now just 10 laps for exactly 500 yards - I like round numbers. (Sorry, metric system, you lose again :-P). My plan is to work my way up to 3,000 or 4,000 yards over the next couple months. As for Monday's swim, my 500 yard splits were decent: 10:55, 11:46, 11:40, 11:51. The total time was 47:31 with about a 1:19 water break in between the first and last 1,000 yards.
On Tuesday, I wasn't able to make it to the gym so I just did 60 minutes on the elliptical trainer at home. ("2.06 miles" at the highest incline and resistence levels). Almost like running and no pounding of the joints.
Today, I did a 60-minute spin class and then followed that up with a treadmill run where about half the time it was at the 5 degree incline setting (the rest of the time it was flat - zero degrees incline). The results:
- Time: 44:44
- Distance: 4.5 miles
- Vertical climb: 604 feet
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