Sunday, September 7, 2008

VOWS Half-Marathon #2

Longest run ever in my neighborhood!  My goal was to do the half-marathon distance in under 2 hours and I just made it - 13.1 Miles in 1:59:37. :-)

Accidental warm-up.  Made it about a block from my house when I realized that (1) I had forgotten my SaltStick pills and (2) I needed to use the bathroom.  Two strikes ... and I didn't want to have a third.  So I headed back to my house after a short loop.  Ended up doing 0.55 miles in 4:53 before the main run.

Unlike last week where I started off too hard, had my pace steadily drop as the miles piled on, and totally died with about 2.5 miles to go, today was a much better run.  Even pace.  Took SaltStick pills before starting and about 1 hour into the run.  AccelGels at 30, 60, and 90 minutes.  Water and Gatorade (about 16 fl oz of each) for hydration - with stops approximately every mile to bring the heart rate down and work out the lactic acid from the legs.

My pace was fairly constant for the entire run.

My average heart rate was a respectable 158 BPM - although it climbed steadily throughout the run (except for the walk breaks)

For completeness, here is the elevation profile:

Now that I have this route down, I try to improve on my "half-marathon" time.

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