Thursday, October 30, 2008

Longer Spins and Faster Swims

I've been having some tenderness in my left shin so I decided to avoid running (impact) this week to let it recover and concentrate on spin classes and swimming:
  • Tuesday: 45-minute spin class (avg hr = 153 bpm) and 500 yds in the pool.  The swim was very slow (11:05) and I had to stop for a few minutes about halfway through to catch my breath and stop the room from spinning.
  • Wednesday: 50 minutes of spin class (avg hr = 149 bpm) followed by 1,000 yd swim in 21:07 (splits: 10:42, 10:25).  Felt much better than yesterday and did the full 20 laps without stopping.  Not as fast as I would like, but still a respectable pace.
  • Thursday: 1 hour of spin (45-minute class + 10 minutes before and 5 minutes after; avg hr = 158 bpm) followed by 1,000 yd swim in 19:18 (splits: 9:39.5, 9:38.5).  Faster still (though part of the reason is because I was wearing my tri-shorts).
My shin is feeling much better, but I think I will continue to lay off of the running for the rest of the week.  Will try to use the StairMaster or elliptical trainer tomorrow and then do some strength training on Saturday.  If my shin continues to improve, running the DRC Half on Sunday may actually happen!

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