Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Home gym and scale

My daughter is sick so I didn't make it to the gym today. So instead I did a workout on our home elliptical trainer. 60 minutes at the standard settings ... finished 2.03 "miles" which is about my normal pace now.

In other news, I am convinced that the Tanita scale is useless when it comes to body fat measurement. I started at 198 pounds and 27-28% body fat (BF). It now reads 173 pounds and 20-21%. The math just doesn't add up.

If you assume the "BEFORE" BF percentage is correct, I should have started with around 54.5 pounds of lard. Now, after shedding 25 pounds - and I'm guessing/hoping it's actually more like 30 pounds of fat lost + 5 pounds of muscle gained - that would be 30 pounds of fat left. 30/173 = 17 percent body fat. A pretty significant difference from the 20-21% being reported.

If we go the other way and assume the current "AFTER" BF number is good, then I currently still have 35.5 pounds of fat floating around. Since I have lost 25+ pounds of weight/fat, that means that I should have started at 60.5 pounds of fat - which would be a starting BF% of 60.5/198 or 30.5% body fat. Again, a fair deviation from the 27-28% at the start of this journey.

In short, no matter which way we look at it, the scale is not very useful (for the BF% - the weight measurement seems to be accurate). However, to be honest, I really don't care what the actual numbers are. And I have no interest in spending another $100+ to get a better scale.

I only agonize over these details because I'm a geek, and the numeric inconsistencies drive me nuts. :-)

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