Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Vacation Training

The first half of my vacation (visiting my family on the East coast) is almost over - we fly back to DFW tomorrow morning. My Vacation Training Log:

"Real Training"
  1. 26 minutes on my brother's elliptical trainer in his basement Friday morning
  2. 10K run on Sunday morning - I ran exactly 6.2 miles in about 61 minutes. This is better than 6 MPH (sub-10:00 minute miles) even though the route I took was hilly in spots and about a mile of it was a gravel road and trails in the woods and through a field.
  3. 40 minutes ("15.5 miles") on the stationary bike at the hotel gym this morning

"Alternate Training"

  1. Chasing my daughter, niece, and nephew around Dutch Wonderland on Friday.
  2. Water gun/water balloon battles at my niece's birthday party on Saturday with my nephew and his cousins (my sister-in-law's brother's kids) - the boys are fast, need to move quickly to avoid getting soaked!
  3. Boogie boarding and body surfing at Rehoboth Beach and Cape Henlopen, DE on Sunday and Monday. Wow, my calves and quads actually got sore from running in and out of the waves.
  4. Did a 6 mile bike tour of Cape Henlopen State Park this morning while hauling my niece and nephew in a pull-trailer. Some of those hills were tough when the (loaner) bike has only one gear!

The second half of my vacation starts this Saturday as we head to the West coast to visit my wife's mom, siblings, and friends. Wendy and I may try to get a guest pass to the LA Fitness branch near my mother-in-law's house. If nothing else, I will do some more running to try to shave some more minutes off that 10K time.

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