Friday, October 26, 2007

Good News, Bad News

A week with a lot of positive things, but also some setbacks ...

Tuesday: normal 45-minute spin class with Don & Wilhe and then a 5K on the treadmill. Good news - I did the flat (no incline) run in 22:03 (7:07 pace)! I haven't run a 7-minute mile in over 11 years - and this is after 45 minutes of hard cycling! Bad news - the next day my ankle and knee are a little sore - I think the fast, hard runs on Tuesday and last Thursday are too much (for now). I'm going to avoid running for the rest of the week (until Sunday's Dallas Athletes Monster Sprint Triathlon) and in the future limit my fast runs to once per week (the slower runs on an incline seem to give less of a pounding on my legs, ankles, and knees)

Wednesday: 60-minute spin class and 1,000 yd swim. Good news - I tried breathing on my left side for the swim and I didn't swallow enormous amounts of water; will need to keep practicing this. Bad news - the LCD display on my cell phone died (this has nothing to do with working out, but I thought I'd just throw that in :-)

Thursday: Good news - my ankle and knee feel much better. 45-minute spin class and then 1,500 yd swim in the pool. I don't have my splits because I didn't write them down before losing my watch (see below) but I remember them being improved and doing the first 300 yards in 6:03 (almost 12 seconds faster than last week).

Friday (today): Just some swimming today. 15 minutes of freestyle followed by 15 minutes where the "out" lap was a slow breast stroke and the "return" lap was a fast, strong freestyle. I liked that drill - I think it will really improve my speed and strength.

Good news - I got my new Verizon Wireless phone (LG VX8350 - not bad since it was only $30 with 1 year contract - woo-hoo, employee discount and "New Every 2 [Years]" $100 credit) so I can again read the CallerID to avoid junk callers. Bad news - realized that I lost my watch yesterday at the gym - guess I will be getting a new one tomorrow before Sunday's tri.

Oh well, as my Uncle Wan would say, "Don't worry about anything that can be fixed with a few dollars; when you are faced with something that money can't solve - THEN you have a real problem. :-P"

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