Thursday, January 10, 2008

LA Ftiness Reverse Tri

Did an indoor "reverse triathlon" today at LA Fitness. It consisted of
  1. 18 minutes on the treadmill (inclined run & walk) - wanted to do 30 minutes but got to the gym late and cut the run short because the spin class was filling up
  2. 45-minute spin class - the class was totally full no spare bikes and a few late-comers were turned away. I'm glad we had a good view of the spin bike room from the treadmills on the second floor "cardio loft area" of the gym
  3. 1,500 yard swim - finished in 29:15 ... my fastest training swim at this distance

Next time, I'll get to the gym earlier so that I can run 30 minutes (my target would be 3+ miles at a 5-10% incline) and I'll wear my heart-rate monitor and try to keep my average HR at a specific number (although I'm not yet sure what that should be).

My major source of happiness for this workout is my swim speed. As I wrote above, this was my fastest time for 1,500 yards for training. I swam "1,500 yards" for the Texas Man Olympic Tri in 27:05, but we started in the water, it was at the beginning of the event (instead of after 18 minutes of running and 45 minutes of spinning), and I just plain think the open water distance was not measured correctly. My 500 yard splits were: 9:34, 9:47, 9:54.5 ... and my split for 300 yards was 5:46 (on par or a little faster than my sprint tri times). Not bad at all!

I'm pretty sure the main reason for the faster swim times was because I was wearing tri-shorts (to save "transition time" from spin class to the pool). Wow, I can't believe they shaved about 3 minutes (almost 10%) off my normal training swim times (in the baggy swim shorts).

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