Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tapering vs. Training

Lots of literature that I have read wants me to "taper" my training these last two weeks before my half-Iron tri, but I truly believe that I only need about one week to "gather steam" for the big event. Additionally, Derek got a tri training book and it definitely still has some serious workouts planned up through the "week before last" for its 18-week half-Ironman training schedule.

Since I put in a monster swim session yesterday, I decided to concentrate on leg work today. I started off with 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer and then attended Leslie's 45-minute spin class ("Tuesdays we go high-end aerobic pushing occasionally into the anaerobic zone"). After that, some brick work with a 3-mile run on the treadmill. I averaged 8:00/mile and so that distance took exactly 24 minutes.

My plan is to do a few more solid workouts this week and then really tone it down next week. Hopefully, this plan won't backfire.

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