Sunday, May 27, 2007

Elliptical Trainer

Decided to do 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer this evening for a couple of reasons:

1. Went to the new Chinese buffet that opened up in Roanoke (TX) for lunch. I was starving after the morning workout. Having no self-control at a buffet, I, of course ate way too much. Still feeling too stuffed for a full dinner, I decided to skip eating and work out instead. (Later, I did have a glass of Bolthouse Farms "Green Goodness" juice - very nasty-looking, but so delicious - and a turkey and cheese sandwich. Don't want to wake up starving in the middle of the night!)

2. My 4 year-old was playing around on it this afternoon while I was cleaning out the guest room (where it sits). I figured it was a sign that I should use it.

Am I becoming a compulsive workout junkie? Possible ... but I am willing to risk it. :-)

So, today, I did 20 minutes on a Stairmaster, swam 1,000 meters, and then did 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer. That seems like something almost equivalent to a sprint tri - but now I just need to be able to do it all at once!

Less than 2 weeks to go until my first triathlon ...

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