Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Serious Swimming

Since I've all but signed up for the Metroplex Sprint Triathlon to be held June 10, I really gotta kick the training into high gear. My biking will be helped along since Don and I are going to ride the 62-mile Honey Tour in Burleson this Saturday (weather permitting). And I can (at least I tell myself this) always squeeze in a run here or there. So today I focused on my swimming.

Noting that the upcoming Metroplex Sprint has an 800m lake swim, I wanted to see how quickly I could do a "pool" distance that is even greater than that. So I did 44 laps of 25 yards (stupid non-metric pool at the gym), which is 1,100 yards or 1,000 meters (I think that math is correct), in 28 minutes, 20 seconds. The first 500m was in 13:50, which is the first time I've cracked under 14 minutes for that distance; the second half was in 14:30 - which included a 10 second break/delay due to a goggle malfunction. :-P

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