Monday, May 14, 2007

Open-Water Swimming

Since we need practice doing open-water swimming, Derek, Jarrod, and I headed to Grapevine Lake after work to do a route that we found on the Team In Training Yahoo! Group.

The route is about 573 meters each way, but we swam out a little "to the left" of where we were supposed to go so the round trip was probably almost 1,200 meters for us.

Swimming in a lake is a lot different from a pool! The water is murky - no line on the floor to follow - and the current pushes you off course. I had to look up frequently to course-correct, and did breaststroke about 30% to switch it up, but I didn't drown. Bonus!

Next time one of us needs to bring along a watch so we know how fast/slow we are! :-P

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