Saturday, February 2, 2008

DRC President's 10K

Slowly, but surely, my right knee (IT Band) is getting better. I ran the Dallas Running Club's "President's 10K" race this morning. I completed the 6.2 mile out-and-back course in 49:53 - didn't quite crack an 8:00 mile (my pace was 8:03/mi) but my time was still almost as fast as the last 10K I did back in December.

After completing the race, my knee was a little sore, but unlike after the Too Cold To Hold 15K, I finished strongly and could walk without major difficulty. So the running scorecard is currently:

- Jan 19: 15K (9.3 mi) run = pain
- Jan 26: 4.6 mi run + 4.6 mi walk = minor pain
- Feb 2: 10K (6.2 mi) run = minor pain

I got a Patt Strap earlier this week and wore it for the race. It seemed to have help since it probably lessened the rubbing of the IT Band against my knee. Hopefully, between its use and my reduced running mileage, complete recovery is just around the corner.

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