Thursday, June 14, 2007

2 Plus 2 (Well, 1.75)

Really cranking it up.

Due to a rash of vacations (Don & Matt), sickness (Wilhe), jet-lag (Derek, post-Hawaii), and personal commitments (Jarrod), I had to swim all by my lonesome today. Watching all the accomplished swimmers in the lanes next to me flipped a switch and got my competitive juices flowing. I started off with 500 m in 11:58 (and finished the first 300 m in 6:54 - getting faster!) and another 500 m in another 12:40. Decided to see if I could do another 1,000 ... it took 26:30 (definitely a slower pace) and I was so tired at the end that I thought my arms were going to fall off, but I finished! For a grand total of 2,000 meters or 2K. (I get a kick out of measuring my swim distances in kilometers. Quite an ego boost. :-)

After work, I climbed back on the elliptical trainer with the goal to do 2 miles at my normal ramp/resistance settings. Didn't quite make it; after about 54 minutes and 1.75 miles, I had to call it quits - just too tired. Oh well, I have a goal for next time.

I think part of the reason that I couldn't go further was due to hunger/lack of glycogen - especially after the long swim. Next time, I'll take a PowerGel or Gu before starting and keep another pack nearby and suck it down after the first 30 minutes on the elliptical - along with chugging a lot of water (which I am already doing). Hopefully, that will help.

No more swimming until Monday. I'm going to try get in some biking and/or running this weekend, but the weather is looking iffy (possible thunderstorms). We shall see.

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