Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hey, This Scale is Stuck!

Well, I knew it had to happen sooner or later - my weight loss has pretty much leveled off. I have stalled at about 14 pounds down from where I started. This is still a little above where I'd like to be - I'm still about 8-9 pounds heavier than when I got married - but hey that was almost seven years ago and I'd like to think I've gained a few pounds of muscle during the last two months of training as well.

Not much to report today. I did 32 minutes on the home elliptical trainer - it's a weird amount of time because my goal was to do "1 mile" at the highest resistance and highest incline settings. Mission accomplished. :-)

Don and I may do a little bike riding tomorrow afternoon if work is kind to us - i.e., executive/customer forest fires don't hold us hostage into the evening hours.

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