Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Thou Shall Not Covet ...

... Thy Coworker's New Bike.

But gosh it is tough! Don just got some Felt F1 hotness today. Omigosh, I think I can lift his entire bike with my pinkie - literally just my pinkie.

Anyway, since one must definitely try out new toys immediately, Don hopped on his new fancy wheels and I got to ride his Specialized Allez, which I may buy later as my own "upgrade". We rode about 15 miles around the DFW Airport (the Airfield Drive loop for you locals) in about an hour. Even with the nicer gear (for both of us) it was a tough ride with 10+ mph winds in our face most of the time. The 90 degree weather didn't help either, but I figure we better get used to a little heat and sweat if we're going to do HHH in late August.

Don's going to lend me the Allez for a while and I might even use it for this weekend's Metroplex Sprint Tri. I have to balance the siren call of the newer, nicer and lighter Specialized bike versus the trusty Centurion which, if nothing else, I am used to.

Decisions, decisions.

In other news, I picked up my tri packet at lunch today and started going over all the info - where the tags/numbers have to be clipped to the bike and the front of my running shirt, starting times for the different waves (they're broken out by age group; so unfortunately, Jarrod - who is, I believe, 4 years younger than me - and I will be starting at different times), and various information about how your body is marked for the swim (they do it) and specifics about parking and the transition area (only use the north entrance and once you set up your bike you can't go back in there until the race time!)

It's only one sheet of information but still seems like so much to digest!

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