Saturday, November 24, 2007

Holiday Week Training

Happy Thanksgiving!

Training definitely tailed off this week, but at least it wasn't at a dead stop. I was able to get a few workouts in at the beginning of the week: on Tuesday, a 45-min spin class with Don, Wilhe, and Jonathan followed by 30 minutes of inclined walking on the treadmill (2 miles + 1,050 ft elevation gain); on Wednesday, I took an hour-long spin class and followed that up with an extra 15 minutes for a solid 75 minutes of cycling.

I had hoped to swim at LA Fitness Thursday morning before heading out to the airport, but ended up needing the time for last-minute packing. Enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving meal with my family in Pennsylvania on Friday. Followed that up with a 2-hour lunch session at a local Chinese buffet on Saturday. I did do about 55 minutes on my brother's elliptical trainer on Saturday morning before chowing down, so we'll just call that a "recovery meal". :-)

There's a branch of LA Fitness about 6 miles from my brother's house (where we're currently staying) so hopefully I'll be able to get in a swim or spin class tomorrow or Monday. Also on the agenda, doing some shopping for cold-weather running gear.

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