Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tough Training Week

This week seemed to go by very slowly from a training perspective. I must be looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday. That or just too much other stuff going on outside of tri training ("no ... there isn't anything outside of tri training") - work, kids, travel planning. Sigh.

On Monday, I didn't feel like heading to the gym so I just did an hour on the elliptical trainer at home. Somehow I managed to reset the "tripometer" about 40 minutes into it so I have no idea how "far" I went, but the pace was pretty good and my heart rate stayed between 160 & 163 BPM after the first 20 minutes.

On Tuesday, the normal spin class with Don and Wilhe. Afterwards, I tried to do some swimming but my arms and shoulders were very sore - either from the long swim on Sunday and/or some (what I thought was) light weight training on Monday evening. I did 500 yds (of freestyle) in 11:35 - which is quite slow for me these days, especially for the first set of the workout.

So, as an experiment, I did another 500 yds, but this time with a modified breaststroke - alternating one stroke/kick underwater and the other at the water's surface. Surprisingly, I completed the set in 10:28, which is actually a pretty good time regardless of stroke. It is nice to know that if/when I have to use breaststroke for open-water swimming (for sighting, etc.) that my swim time really does not suffer much, if at all.

Wednesday was not planned to be an off day, but it just ended up that way due to work. Meetings conflicted with spin class at lunch time, too busy to hit the gym in the afternoon, too tired and harried with the kids to do the elliptical trainer in the evening. Murphy's Law.

Thursday, I got back on track with a spin class and 1,000 yds of swimming. 500 ys splits: 10:48, 10:37. Much better ...

Tomorrow will be another off day because I have a lunch meeting and I'm resting up for a busy weekend - the Denton Turkey Roll 71-mile bike ride on Saturday and the FWRC Mote In Motion half-marathon on Sunday. Hopefully, those events will make up for slacking off this week.

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